Saturday 18 September 2010

Halal Slaughter

I have just read a truthful article in the Daily Mail which can be found here.   It describes how British people are being force fed Halal slaughtered meat. Not only is that bad enough but it also highlights the growing Islamification of our Nation. How many people in Aberdeen know that popular places like Jimmy Chung's serves Halal chicken, and even many of our so called Indian restaurants are not Indian, but Muslim owned that also sell Halal meat. Add in places like SubWay and various other fast food outlets that regular serve up this barbarically slaughtered meat, it really does show that the British people are being treated with no regard in our own country. My own child goes to school lunches, there are Muslim pupils at the school. Is my child being fed halal meat. I hope not because halal slaughtered meat is against every ethical and moral feeling that I have about animal welfare.
Even a certain sandwich firm is getting in on the market, seemingly finding their way into corner shops all across the city. Sandwiches from the sandwich factory are yet again Muslim owned from Dundee, and of course the meat especially the chicken is Halal.
At which point did it become okay in Britain to totally disregard the feelings of the British people, when did it become okay for a practice that many in this country find disgusting and from a barbaric era to become the norm.

The Islamic take over of our country must stop. What next for our country. When will someone have the guts to stand up and say this is Britain. This is how we do things in our country, if you don't like it please leave.

maybe when you vote for UKIP that's when.

The above video is Barbaric so if you do not have a strong stomach please do not watch. The first killing shows a stunned animal. The others are so barbaric, I am not even going to describe them. But this is what we the British are being fed to appease a minority that will soon become the majority in our country. I am sorry for the video but this is something I feel really strongly about.


Anonymous said...

the bnp have been saying this for years.because of it they are attacked by the UAF .state sponsored thugs

Anonymous said...

And what about the way brittish butchers butcher their meat ? is that not barbaric? hardly any brittish folk have anything against the way halal meat is slaughtered and i think it is disgraceful that people like yourself want to make it harder for muslims and other people who prefer halal meat to eat out and enjoy themself..... shame on you

Anonymous said...

I agree. This has to stop. We cant go backwards in our protection of animals to accomodate islam. In other matters we need to force the restaurants and supermarkets to clearly mark if the product is halal or not. I cant accept being fed halal without my concent. In this times where human rights are going so wrong... where are MY humanrights not to participate in a foreign religous practise?
Law inforcement in slaughterhouses to stop halal practice will be good and also all meat (imported or not) shall be clearly labeled. I am not going even to start with the food that our kids eat at school because i have no concessions there: absolutely NO halal in our public schools. Mulsim kids can get their lunch from their moms.

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't make your judgement and pass it on to others based on one youtube video. It's misleading and very biased. I think based on your post, we all should become vegans then.

Anonymous said...

Hi, This is very informative and I would like to know which resturants and shops sell halal meat and chicken in Aberdeen. I also agree that every item that contains halal meat should be marked so. I am sick of checking ingredients for halal meat in them. If marked clearly I would by them immediatley as I find it hard to look for halal food. Also I agree that pork should not be placed above the halal meat as both can become contaminated. Please do post the name of the shops and resturants selling halal meat and food as i have recently moved to Aberdeen from England.

Anonymous said...

You are a fucking idiot u think that about halal meat .cos u are stupid ,don't u have a look how the fuck they kill animals here In ur fucking factories they fucking shoot them dead with gun and they fucking slam their head to the fucking floor .however muslims Slaughter sheep so they get rid of all blood inside u r fucking idiot I'm not even jocking .

Anonymous said...

As a UKIP voter, I have to sau you are an embaressment.

I stopped reading when you said Muslim owned because I felt like I was reading an article written by an ape.

You do realise Islam is a religion right? and Muslims follow that religion. It's not a nationality, Islam isn't a country. India is not a religion. It's a country. India has more Muslims than Bangladesh and Pakistan and many other "Muslim" countries. This is the kind of thing you learn in Primary school.

I didn't bother reading the rest of the article because that line just made me laugh. What's next "That fish and chip shop wasn't British owned! It was Presbyterian owned!" "My school's headteacher isn't Scottish, she's an agnostic!"

Anonymous said...

lol don't eat it then you moron - no one's forcing you!

Anonymous said...

You're not thinking this through properly.

1) Animal EEGs have shown that halal slaughtering doesn't cause them pain, it is quick and painless. It only looks barbaric

2) Stunning then includes a step before hand making the animal irreversibly brain dead...but its still slaughtered

3)If it bothers you that much, maybe you should avoid Indian restaurants and places that sell Halal meat...YOU should be extra careful. If the majority of people stopped buying Halal because they were so strongly against it, the boycott would I am sure pressurise firms into using non-halal meat. Has this happened? NO!

Just simmer down, and avoid Halal.

And why should we go back to our countries? Do you know how many Muslims are employed within the NHS, and many other industries? Muslims don't belong to a single country...we don't all originate from one could be living on benefits for all we know whilst Muslims are out there actively contributing to society.

But it all comes down to the fact that nobody is forcing you to eat Halal...the option has become widespread because it doesn't bother most non-Muslim folk, and brings in business from the Muslim folk who want to eat Halal. If you feel that strongly, avoid such places as I said above.

Anyway, yeah...thats it :)

Anonymous said...

This post made me laugh, ALOT! Its ridiculous to post a comment without doing your own research and just basing your entire opinion on an internet video. I don't really understand why you would be so bothered about the 'Indian' restaurants being Muslim owned or it, considering 'Indian' food comes from a variety of different countries which consist of YES MUSLIMS, but also Christians and many other religions but religion has nothing to do with the cultural food. You obviously have some sort of insecurities and Islamaphobia. The main thing is though you stated that slaughtering animals the way Muslims do, is against your morals and ethics, if you have such strong feelings then why are you eating animals and not become a vegan yet?? Another thing, there's no need to refer to British people as solely being Non-Muslim because Britain has a vast majority of Muslims now and I hate to break it to you but ye there ALSO BRITISH!
Jeez maybe focus on some of the MAJOR issues affecting people's day to day lives like millions of people dying from starvation who don't even have a slice of bread to eat and here you are debating about what children are able to choose in school lunches!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha this "Anti Halal Campaign" post must be an embarrassment to the UKIP and definitely Britain - as the 'illiterate'writer is trying to represent the whole British population. Many people have already educated you about India and Islam. Although around 15% of Indian population (out of over a Billion) is muslim, Origin of Indian food is not just restricted to today's India. Pakistan and Bangladesh were also part of India and have the same food, plus hindus dont eat meat products, so its more likely to be muslims.

Secondly if the UKIP members seem to be so concerned about slaughter of animals then what do you guys eat? ALIVE animals? or why not just turn veggies? Because either way,Halal or Not-Halal an animal is getting killed against its will!?! But through halal method, the blood is drained out - hence more hygienic!

Majority of Non-Muslims in Scotland and the rest of Britain are tolerant and do not have any problem with eating halal meat. If you c*nts are also so concerned about your kids being "force fed" halal in schools, then get off ur lazy arses and make them packed lunches

Anonymous said...

I have just read an excellent article on citizen warrior on the best way forward in multiculturalism.
Basically experimental evidence proves that the best way to deal with all people and cultures is 1st treat them with respect followed immediately after with tit for tat.
If they respond with kindness and understanding they receive the same however if they try underhand methods they receive the same in return.

Anonymous said...

Muslim owned? You idiot Indian Isn't a religion. There are more Indian Muslims than Bangladeshi Muslims.

Anonymous said...

Correct me if I'm wrong but by what you have just said, saying Muslim owned is the same phrasing as saying Christian owned meaning owned by Christians so that would mean he meant Muslims, who follow Islam, own it in question? Xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

The point is, halal is more barbaric than existing methods which il add aren't great either, but in the interest of making the situation a bit better one shitty slow step at a time, halal slaughter without stunning should totally be banned. No question.

Anonymous said...

In Islam ,Behind Every Rule there is a Cause , this Cause must in some way serve humans life,health,happiness.
Do you know what is behind the Islamic way of slaughtering? it is only that the bad blood need to go out of the body(cells and muscles) before the slaughtered animal is considered as suitable for humans feed.
So the animal as per Islamic rules shouldn't even see the knife of the butcher ,to not be panic , So not only not feel the pain !!
By this way the blood flow will remain as natural as possible and no blood freeze or blood conglomerate will be formed that prevent bad blood from going out..
that is the Health related part , and the other part is related to Islam compassion for animals in general , and in slaughtering in specific..