Guy Leven-Torres MA(Hons), FSEFA
Principal Archaeologist Society of Experimental Archaeology
Today I write in full academic mode. I make no apologies for displaying my full titles above. These are not an act of elitist snobbery but to show I write from professional authority. No doubt the 'Usual Suspects' will deride with such comments as 'Everybody has a degrees and don't display them to show off!' My reply is- 'Yes everybody has a degree these days indeed but they are worthless, unlike mine that was taken under the old University of London syllabus dating back to before World War 2. My qualifications are well earned and do mean something. They are the result of 47 years of study and more. I still study and read perhaps the equivalent of two books a week. I will do this until I perish and pass onto the great University In The Sky. I just hope they have a decent library.
By my twelfth Birthday I had read Tacitus and my bedtime reading was Plutarch and Cicero. For light entertainment I read Michael Grant and Robert Graves, both great scholars but now derided as 'unacademic' by modern leftists, because just like me they refused to follow the Leftist garbage that passes for scholarship today. In other countries, especially in much of the Arab world, they are still greatly admired and honoured. Islam is not all bad. Unlike most modern scholars these men could write well and did so, not for a narrow arrogant academic cloistered elite, soaked in Marx and world revolutionary cant but for the general public at large, who paid their salaries and whose children like myself they taught and to whom, they passed on their enthusiasm. I humbly follow in their footsteps.
Scholarship is not about politics but the revelation of understanding and Truth, about open debate, not the abuse and shallow relativist political partisanship that passes for 98% of modern study. I also tell you that if one wants to really understand good written history, the material written in the 1950s by Grant and Graves and others like Hugh Scullard and his fellow Professor Freyer, are still far superior to most modern material. There are good authors today but like me write for the wider public- I refer to story writers too- people like Tom Holland, Ben Kane and Harry Sidebottom. The last has realistically recreated the Roman Imperium of 250AD in his series-'Warrior of Rome'. Another great authoress, is Colleen McCullough whose series, 'Makers of Rome', faithfully recreates the years from Marius to Octavian. I have found no error in her recreation of Republican Rome. She also wrote the 'Thorn-birds'.
By 2025, Europe will be an Islamic State........
I base this upon my own studies above and my general gut feeling, is that we have lost already the Great War Of Civilisations, between Islam and what is left of Christianity. I have just read an article by Bat Y'eor, about how the European Union is actually the nascent Euro-Kalifate, of which Turkey will be the sovereign entity. Turkey will be admitted to the 'Union' in about five years at most, probably sooner. With Cameron, Prime Minister of Britain agitating for its entry, even in the face of German resistance but a largely quiescent France who will side with the UK to weaken the Germans, it is a foregone conclusion anyway. Indeed I would go further than the former Egyptian Christian author and state that the entire raison d'etre of the Soviet EU, is actually now nothing more than a program to facilitate the victory of Islam over the West. In 1973, the EU panicked in a grand funk as countries like Holland and Benelux, found themselves without fuel as the oil crisis embargo struck home. Instead of standing firm as we should of done, we capitulated to the Arabs and agreed to take in millions of Moslems as their birthrates soared. Kissinger did the negotiating on behalf of the frightened CM/EC/EU. In return for a safe 'guarantee' of oil and gas we sold our posterity and ourselves to the Islamic world. We bought 40 years of 'peace' with this incredible act of betrayal by selling the souls of our children to Wahabism. I have long known this by the way but was as usual abused and called a 'scaremonger'. Nobody calls me that anymore, unless they are morons or in absolute denial. The figures for the numbers of Moslems in Europe and the daily appeasement of the migrants by our craven elite, shout loud and clear to all those prepared to listen, that I was telling the truth.
Our Moslem population in the UK alone has increased by 200% in just a decade. In 2000 there were 1,600,000 migrants here, now that figure hovers between 3.5 to 5 million. Other countries in Europe, like Benelux and Holland also deny the increased Islamisation of their countries and the numbers and percentages involved. In Holland the authorities claim figures of less than 5%. It is the same in Belgium but a quick trip across the Channel, will tell even the most stupid the reality. Moslems form in fact around 10- 20% of the whole, not just the miniscule numbers prated about by the liars and social engineers, that seek to deny to us and most likely themselves the truth. They can ignore the truth but it will not ignore them. Above I used the term 'moron' not as an insult by the way but in its real sense- an inability to face reality and truth. There are in fact nearly 60,000,000 Moslems in Europe and this is confirmed by my own Islamic sources, whose researches are truthful, unlike are own massaged statistics. If one wants proof of this let me give two examples. My own quotient is to multiply or divide by '3' when dealing with EU and British Government statistics. I actually believe this is what Marx meant by 'Two steps forward, one step back'. The figure '3' seems to appear a lot when dealing with Socialism. Socialism is no different to Communism by the way, or its later hybrid 'Communitarianism'.
We are informed we have 2,800,000 unemployed n the UK. Multiply the figure by '3' and we get 8,500,000 approximately. This was the true figure given by the Guardian of all places. Then take Moslem immigration into the UK- 1,600,000 multiplied by '3' is around 4,500,000. And sure enough my wide travels around the UK do indeed seem to confirm this fact, as do the Moslem leaders and scholars themselves. They do not lie when it comes to extrapolating their own evident presence in terms of bodies on the ground. Apply this multiple to Holland with a recent population figure of 16,700,000 and a supposed figure of 800,000 Moslems and one arrives at the figure of nearly 3,000,000 migrants in fact, or nearly 20% of the population. Are we that stupid to believe the lies put out by the Governments in these countries, when one can see the reality on the street? In many ways I admire the truthfulness of the Moslems here, unlike our own venomous rulers. Lying propaganda is so typical of the Socialist mind, even to themselves. They even pass laws to ensure these lies are true. Look at the attempts by Brown to ensure that 'Gobal Warming' was accepted, or the proposed law by Deputy PM 'Clegg' to pass laws to ensure we gave foreign aid from funds that do not exist. The UK is bankrupt but that tiny problem never stopped the Left. They as always, pass laws to make something into being.
How anybody can now believe, or regard as credible anything that comes from the mouths of these people beggar belief. In many ways we would be better off with the Moslems. They do not pretend we are ignored or inferior- we are in any Moslem Kalifate until we 'revert', unlike the pretence that all are 'equal' in Socialist terms. In the terms of the latter, we white Europeans, are most certainly ignored and inferior, even if the likes of politicians deny it.
Furthermore in an Islamic society, those that do 'revert' can be sure their property is protected, unlike the ridiculous situation in the UK, where Eastern European gangs have moved into occupied houses when English house-owners have gone shopping. The stupid Police and local councils have decided that stealing people's homes and furniture is a 'civil matter', not covered under the 1968 Theft Act. The so called 'right' to squat applies under the 1967 legislation, as does the amended 1994 laws as well, apply to 'clearly unoccupied' property. This implies a substantial period of time must elapse to establish in law, that such premises have been left 'unoccupied'. Simply moving in when an occupier nips out, is simple burglary and theft under the old legislation. The fact it is a house or a car is irrelevant- it is simple robbery and indeed classic burglary and criminal damage. I can now reveal that these 'incidents' are now quite common in fact and organised. The idea is to establish the precedent in English Law, that there is no longer security of tenure, but to be based instead on Marxist 'All property is theft!' We no longer own our homes. The comic of 'Daily Misery And Pseudo Rightist Cant', otherwise known as the Daily Mail, did its Socialist duty and reported the stories. There have in fact been hundreds of such episodes across the country. All this stuff is organised by the way in preparation of the establishment of the 'Socialist Global Paradise'. It will not be 'Socialist' by the way but Moslem.
The Moslems are open about the 'War of Civilisations'. Our 'secular' governing classes deny it is a 'War or Clash' between Islam and Christianity. They are able to say this because they do not believe in God, only Marx. In their opinion Islam is fighting something that no longer exists in the West, namely the Christian God.
Once Turkey enters the EU, the numbers of Moslems will be around 140,000,000 or around 25% of the whole. That is well beyond the figure for effective control of the former EU and its morph into the new Ottoman Empire, so carefully prepared over the years by the Islamists with bridgeheads in Kosovo and in other lands in the Balkans. To our eternal stupidity, our leaders have ably assisted the Wahabists to achieve their goals by fighting unnecessary wars across the globe in Afghanistan and Iraq. Iran is apparently next. At the same time as we waste our young lives in these brutal wars, our effete Islam appeasing elites do their damndest to undermine and sap the morale of the poor sods on the ground, faced daily with suicide bombers and violent rampant mobs. Look at the furore and panic over the burning of the Koran? How on earth can powerful nations armed with the latest in military technology and the power to turn the planet into dust cave into a primitive religion? Yet they have wholesale. Likewise A Moslem Peer, now serving time in HMP is able to have a Dutch politician banned for showing a film about the truth of Islam to a House of Lords private function. 10,000 Moslems did not turn up- 50 actually did. So what gives?
In truth the same historical disease of Socialism that did a deal with Hitler in 1939 in the Ribbenttop-Molotov 'Non Agression' Treaty, that bought time for the Fuhrer to finish off the West, before he attacked the USSR. In short, the Socialists would do a deal with Satan himself if it bought time. The Socialist inability to tell right from wrong, in its desire for global Revolution, drenched in the blood and cant of Marxist-Leninist ideology, blinds it even today to the very real Evil we face from Wahabism. The real enemy of Humanity is not so much Islam, as Communism and its 'weaker' sister 'acceptable' Social democracy. In my own opinion there is no difference. Both are a product of dysfunctional, relativist, materialist atheism and bankrupt ideological hypocrisy and absolutely no match for strident Islam that will turn Europe Moslem by 2030 at the latest. My father told me that Socialism would be the death of the West. He was so right!
Humanity is far more than just a collection of atoms or molecules that accidentally arose from some pea soup mush a billion or so years ago. A human being has a soul and a longing for the Divine of which he is part. Indeed it is his or her most important part. Atheist materialism and its evolutionary relativism, will never be an effective solution to our war with Islam or its eventual almost assured victory. My advice to you all?
Start praying!
Footnote from UKIP Aberdeen. Guy is a UKIP member and a good friend of myself. He is someone prepared to take the flak that comes hand in hand with telling the truth, and for that we extend our gratitude to him for his fantastic articles, that really does shine a light on what is happening, and more importantly in UKIP Aberdeen's eyes of where we are heading as a country. Please cut and post the above article and circulate it as far and as wide as possible.