Monday, 23 August 2010

Welcome to UKIP Aberdeen

With the opening of the new UKIP branch in Aberdeen, it is only correct that we have started a blog where we can report on local branch activities, and to provide a window of sanity in the current mad world of politics, where our own politicians have little or no power due to the European Union strangling our nation.

Unelected politicians in Brussels now have control over almost every vestige of British life. A situation that's destroying our country and way of life. The bureaucracy and interfering from Brussels has an effect on every persons life. And as you will find out here, more often than not that effect is a negative one.

Be it mass immigration, crime, taxes, jobs, housing, businesses, employment, and down right common sense you can bet your bottom dollar that our membership of the EU is having a negative effect here in Britain. And that's before we mention the £40 million plus a day its costing us, the British tax payer for the privilege of being ruled from abroad.

With all the negativity that now surrounds politics, its time the public, had honest, hard working politicians that put local people first, with positive policies designed to improve every law abiding citizens life. And its time people had the choice to vote for politicians who had the backbone to put over common sense policies regardless of the politically correct dogma, that now sees criminals with more rights than victims.

In Short, its time Aberdeen had UKIP. Before our incompetent councillors and local MPs of various hues (Scottish, European, Westminster), destroy all that was good about our fair city and the North East of Scotland.

The people of Aberdeen and the North East of Scotland really do have a voice now, and that voice is UKIP.

Thanks for dropping in past. We would love to see you along at one of our branch meetings.

If you need any information on the United Kingdom Independence Party, please get in contact with us.

Yours sincerely UKIP Aberdeen

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